

We are currently working to have our dry materials available online for purchase. In the meantime, this page includes a list of our dry materials and their prices. Prices are subject to change due to rapid fluxuations in industry pricing and availability. 


You may place an order by calling 1-800-443-6434 or 1-406-442-2521.


Colorants and Opacifiers

1/4 lb

1/2 lb

1 lb

5 lbs

10 lbs

Chrome Oxide    10.75 $18.40 $78.32  $135.31

Cobalt Carbonate  






Cobalt Oxide  






Cobalt Sulfate         





Copper Carbonate                





Copper Oxide, Black    $12.75 $21.93 $94.04 $162.82
Copper Oxide, Red   $15.50 $27.00 $116.56 $202.23
Copper Sulphate   $9.50 $16.31 $69.04 $119.07
Crocus Martis   $7.50 $30.30 $53.08
Ilmenite, Granular     $4.25 $15.19 $26.22
Iron Chromate      $4.75 $17.82 $30.90
Iron Oxide, Black   $8.00 $32.11 $56.31
Iron Oxide, Red (99%) $9.25 $38.42 $67.53
Iron Oxide, Spanish Red $4.75 $14.31 $25.10
Iron Oxide, Yellow   $8.00 $32.36 $56.76
Iron Sulfate   $10.50 $43.53 $76.60
Magnetite, Granular      $4.25


Manganese Carbonate          $12.50 $52.34 $92.27
Manganese Dioxide, Fine (325 mesh)     $3.25 $12.53 $22.41
Manganese Dioxide, Granular (40 mesh)     $4.25 $15.39 $26.58
Nickel Carbonate, Green $8.50 $14.55 $25.10
Nickel Oxide, Black $13.75 $23.98 $41.86
Ochre, Yellow    $7.00 $28.09
Rutile         $9.75 $16.80 $71.21 $122.87
Tin Oxide       $15.75 $27.66 $51.35 $222.15
Titanium Dioxide   $10.50 $40.94 $71.48
Umber, Burnt   $8.00 $32.85 $57.62
Vanadium Pentoxide     $15.75 $27.55 $48.21
Zircopax Plus   $8.25 $34.09 $63.50


There are currently no products available in this category. Please check back soon.


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